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If you suuddenly have service provider showing as not set in Google Analytics under the technology > network tab, it is because as of 4th of February 2020 Google has depricated that feature. But you can get it back in your Google Analytics reports with a simple fix.

Why do I need service provider data?

You don’t need it but it can have some very useful information depending on what your website does and how you use it. Essentally it shows you the Internet Service Provider that users are visiting your website from. This for the most part will be the likes of Sky Media, Virgiin Broadband etc, but most big companies will have the ISP come up as their company name. This essentially lets you know which companies are visiting your website. It isn’t foolproof and you need to do some quite intensive report filtering to easily get the company list but it is a really simple and free way remarket your products or services. You can essentiially build a very crude marketing call or email list from that data.

How do I get service provider reports back in Analytics?

The video below gives instructions on how to get the service provider data back by using a custom report that uses a pre-written script. The process takes about 10 minutes to set up and costs nothing providing you have less than 100 thousand visitors to your website a day. You can copy the script from here, this does require a little technical knowledge to set up. If you require any assistance in setting up this custom report or lead generation in general you can get in contact using the form below.

Google Analytics service provider video tutorial

Need help getting it set up?

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