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Freelance Web Design Bournemouth, Dorset, UK

Freelance Web Design Bourenmouth, Dorset

I have been doing Freelance Web Design in Bournemouth, Dorset for over 12 years. As a freelance web designer here are some of the answers to questions I frequently get asked.

Is a Front End Web Developer the same as a Web Designer?

As a Front End Web Developer, I am responsible for the websites

  • Look and feel
  • Responsivity from Mobile to Desktop
  • User interaction
  • Site speed
  • User experience
  • Accessibility of content (part of search engine optimisation)

All of these things tie in very closely to the design of the website. I think in modern web design, to create flat designs or concepts with no input from a Front End Developer, you are setting yourself up for failure. If a separate person is doing the design then it is extremely beneficial for me to work closely with them throughout the process.

Does a Web Designer create logos or do branding work?

The skillsets of Web Designers are often quite vast and some of them will create logos and branding guidelines for clients from scratch. Personally, this is not something I offer as a service. I work with inpiduals and companies to translate their existing branding into web content. I do not specialise in branding itself, so if you need that you will need to go to another freelancer or agency. If you have at least a logo and some idea of what you want then I can help you with the design of your online content and we can build from there.

Do I need a Web Designer?

If a client doesn’t want custom design then I usually will start with a framework or template that we can evolve into something that suits you, this saves time and ultimately money. But if your budget suits, then we can go fully bespoke on templating. If you have a Web Designer that you work with regularly and want to use then that is fine, I can happily collaborate with them on the project.

What about the server-side stuff?

I have experience in the latest open source (free to use) frameworks and content management systems. For more simple or bespoke builds I have local developers I regularly work with and trust to create something that suits the project. There is not a ‘one size fits all’ framework or content management system, all projects are different. I aim to keep projects simple, maintainable, and scalable. You can also rest at ease that I am not trying to sell you anything, I am not partnered with any product or external company, nor will I push any on you.

Why use one person to build my project when I could get a team?

I do specialise in Front End Development but I have experience in almost all areas of Web Design and Development. I am also a very reliable project manager of my own time and others, meaning I can pull projects together at very competitive costs. Along with that, I bring over 12 years of commercial experience that I can draw upon to get your project built in the right way and suit your budget. If you feel you would be better served by an agency then that is completely your choice, you can read the pros and cons and a freelancer vs an agency here.

Do you do free consultations?

I am always happy to discuss projects over email or on the phone. If you want to call and talk about a project then you can reach me on 07878178336.

Steve, has been brilliant in helping us to refresh our website. He has worked hard to create a site that is fresh clean and easy to navigate. Steve makes sensible recommendations and delivers against agreed timescales. We will continue to use his services, not only because he is good at his job, but he is nice to deal with, which is a bonus!

Paul Hughes

Sales and Marketing Director, OneFeed

If you need a Freelance Web Designer and want to discuss a project? Get in contact

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