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Promotional Business Video, Bournemouth, Dorset

Promotional Business Video Bournemouth Dorset

Why shoot a promotional business video?

Video is currently one of the most popular ways people consume content. Its the perfect medium to tell a brand story or show people your products or services. It allows your customers the opportunity to see a side of your company they otherwise would never be able to see. Promotional business video content can offer tremendous value to your customers, both in terms of what they buy and who they buy from.

What are the options for shooting styles?

There are many routes you can go with promotional business videos, the first way is the interview style or ’talking heads’ approach. This is a great straight-forward way to tell a story or inform people about what you can offer them. The next is the brand video, where you essentially capture dynamic parts of your business to create a cinematic sequence that will engage your users. Quite often, businesses will like to have both styles incorporated in to their shoots.

What is the process?

It all starts with a phone or email discussion about the project and what your requirements are. The next step will be an initial site visit where I can gather some information on the company, including brand guidelines, input for shot lists and finding out the purpose of the video and what you are trying to achieve. From there we can run through the use of locations on the site, timings and restrictions, as well as access to specific members of staff for interviews (if needed).

This will give me enough information to create a loose storyboard and shot list for the video we are creating. Once we have agreed on the content of the video, we can schedule in the shoot day/s. Once all the footage has been captured, I will create a first edit of the video and we can run through some amends and revisions from there to get to the finished video.  

What can I do with the video once it is created?

Once you have the video you can then use it in your social channels to share with your audience as well as using it for advertising to reach new audiences. I can also advise you on how to integrate your video in to your website.

How much will this cost?

My promotional business videos start at £2.5k and that includes the following

  • Initial requirements meeting
  • Building a storyboard
  • Creating scripts (if required)
  • 1 day shoot (including all equipment needed)
  • Full edit and compositing where required
  • Professional licensed audio tracks
  • Up to 3 revisions in the edit process

My pricing is based on years of experience with this type of work, it also accounts for the equipment needed during the process. My pricing structure allows me to offer the amount of time and focus required for each project.

Can I shoot the video myself to lower costs?

Of course, but I would highly recommend you allow me to work with you in the shooting process to make sure you get the best possible results. Whether that be, offering some simple lighting or filming tips, renting equipment or just having a brief chat about the shots you will need in the edit process. I am very flexible in the way I work, if you just want to book me in just for a day of editing then that is completely fine.

Want to discuss a project?

Use the form below to get in contact, I am happy to discuss all projects, big or small.

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