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Youtube account management services

Youtube Account Management Services
Video is fast becoming one of the best ways for companies to reach their customers. It is perfect to communicate what the company is currently doing and show off the product range. It also allows companies to show a side of them that customers may not otherwise not see. You can tell a story and communicate your brand to your audience. Not all companies can use social video in the same way but everyone can benefit from it if it is done in the right way.

If video is produced and published effectively it can not only open up your audience, it can improve your organic search rankings in Google. Using rich media content like video in your website nowadays is less costly on site speed and also helps to improve user engagement.

Social media is a great way to engage with customers and build a user base, but it can be very time consuming. I aim to take away all of the stress of producing social video whilst also offering insight in to what is working. I offer Youtube account management services from creating the channel, to creating video, editing, uploading, tagging and publishing. That way you can stick to what you do best and rest assured that your companies video is in safe hands.


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