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How much do you charge for a website?

Web Design and Development

How much do I charge for a website?

This is definitely in the top 3 questions I get asked a freelancer and there just isn’t a set answer. All projects are different and there are many factors that make up the pricing I charge.

It depends a lot on the following

  • How much content there is
  • Complexity of design
  • User interface requirements
  • Will the project be built in a particular CMS
  • How involved you want to be in the project
  • How quickly you need the work completed
  • What functionality the project needs
  • What extras you need like emails, domains, etc

Essentially everything takes time and I need to justify that in the cost, so for example, if I have to add all of your website content myself, then I have to charge for those hours.

In the past, people have mentioned that they have seen websites advertised for £99 + VAT, and would I consider matching that. The simple answer is no, a £99 + VAT website is not going to do anything for you as a business. I provide websites with bespoke design, thoughtful user interfaces, intelligent conversion funnels, and above all else, quality service.

I would never start a project where after a few hours I was already out of pocket and trying to get it rushed out the door. If you want to spend £100 + VAT on a website, then I will kindly point you to Squarespace or Fiverr and ask that when you are ready to take your online presence seriously, you come back and we have a serious conversation about it.

I am not in digital media for the money, I enjoy helping companies thrive online and I love what I do. I work hard to provide for my family and am very honest and open about my pricing and invoicing. You won’t see me driving a fancy car or wearing an expensive watch. I don’t have any hidden costs or long contracts.

I value my time above all else, so I make sure that I have a good work-life balance and am never oversubscribed for freelance work. This would not only be bad for me, it would be bad for my clients. This means I have to choose the projects and clients I take on very wisely.

If you want to discuss pricing for a project, then please get in contact using the form below.

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