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The Invalid Spec for Creative with Interactive Components Error

If you are getting this error message in your Facebook ads then you can follow this post to get the issue resolved and get your ads live. This should only take a few minutes to follow and requires very little technical knowledge. 

Why the Invalid Spec for Creative with Interactive Components Error Happens

This can happen if you are using carousel ads and trying to use product tags. These are not compatible with carousel ads, so you will need to remove them. The first step to do that is to check each carousel slide. 

How to Fix the Invalid Spec for Creative Error

Once you are in the carousel section you can click on the ‘edit image’ or ‘edit video’ button to access the product tagging options.

Remove Product Tags from Carousel Slides

From here you can look under the Creative Tools and Product Tags will be there. Then you can remove all the tags here.

Once you have removed all the tags you can repeat the process for each carousel slide. If any of the tags are still there then the error still be there. Once they are all removed you will see the error disappear and now you will be able to publish your Facebook ad.

Looking for support with your Facebook Ads?

If you are tired of trying to resolve Facebook ad errors and want to outsource your Facebook Ads then feel free to contact me.

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