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Why aren’t my orders showing in my sales reports in Shopify?

If orders are not showing in your Shopify reports then it may be that your payment gateway is still set in test mode. You can check this in the payment provider menu under ‘settings’ and ‘payments’ in the admin section of Shopify.
Shopify Payments Menu | Shopify Orders Not Showing In Sales Reports
If test mode is running then you will see the message ‘Shopify Payments is running on test mode’
Shopify Test Payments Warning

What is Shopify Payments Test Mode?

Shopify Payments Test Mode allows you to test the way your checkout will look for customers before going live. All you need to do is go to your preview store and add items to the cart and checkout as you would normally, when you reach the payment section, the test gateway will be ready to use.

How do I run test payments in Shopify?

You can run a successful test transaction using payment details in this link https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/payments/shopify-payments/testing-shopify-payments You simply copy a card number from there and paste it in to the ‘Card Number’ field. The name must be any two names with a space in the middle, the expiry date needs to be any date in the future and the ‘expiry code’ can be any 3 numbers. When you press ‘Pay Now’ you will see the success page and you be able to see the order in the admin section of Shopify, it will be marked as a test order

You can also run a failed transaction by using the ‘Card Declined’ numbers from that same link above.

Why does the Shopify test payment gateway need to be disabled?

you cannot use real credit cards through the test mode so you should not enable it on a production store. If you are receiving orders then you will need to contact the customer to explain there has been an issue and create a new manual order.

Always be sure to check that payments have been taken before fulfilling them. 

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Shopify orders still not showing In sales reports?  

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