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If you are getting this error SMTP Error (550)- Failed to add recipient – No Such User Here then follow this post and you will have it resolved in no time. This issue essentially stops certain email accounts from sending emails to your email account. Which of course is an issue as it means people will not be able to contact you by email, meaning you could miss important emails from prospective clients. Sometimes it will be someone coming to you directly with this issue as they are more likely to discover it. It is important that you know this is an issue for you.  

SMTP Error (550)- Failed to add recipient - No Such User Here

How to Fix Error 550 – No Such User Here

This issue tends to be because your email routing settings are incorrect in your hosting panel. So the first thing you need to do is to head over to cPanel and from the main dashboard find the ‘Email Routing’ option (see below). There will be a similar option if you are using Plesk. 

CPanel Email Routing Option

In the Email Routing menu you will tend to find that if you have not configured it yourself then it will be set to ‘Automatically Detect Configuration (recommended)’ by default. This could be the route of your email issues.

cPanel - Email Routing Set To Auto

If you are using WebMail then this should be set to ‘Local Mail Exchanger’ and if you are using a 3rd party service like Microsoft 365 or Google Business Suite then you should change it to ‘Local Mail Exchanger’. This issue happens more often with 3rd party email services, so the likelihood is that you are using Google or Microsoft as your email provider.

cPanel - Email Routing Set To Remote

Once you have changed this setting, the update will take effect immediately. You should now be able to head back to the email account which couldn’t send the email and try to email the recipient again and now it should be working. This should now resolve the SMTP Error (550)- Failed to add recipient – No Such User Here error. Always be sure at this point to make sure you can send and receive emails from your account and if you have website forms, do a test and make sure they are still working. 

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